Horror Sean's Dean Blog
My take on Howard Dean and the stance he takes on the issues!
Thursday, July 17, 2003


Blair Tells Congress Iraq War Justified

Mr. Blair went to Washington, where he got an amazing standing O by the warmongers. In his speech to a joint session of congress Tony the Tiger urged that the war in Iraq was right - no matter the cost, no matter the lie. Ok, maybe he didn't say anything about the 'lies' but it's evident that the more we learn about the war, the more we learn about the LIES.

Retired Ohio Senator Endorses Dean

Former Democratic Sen. Howard Metzenbaum today joined the others in endorsing Dean for president. Of course Metzenbaum is a very well respected former senator from the state of Ohio
(which is also home to Rep. Kucinich)

Lieberman, Dean Want CIA Chief to Resign

Howard Dean has urged CIA Chief Tenet to step down. Let's hope both he and Mr. Bush step down.

posted at 2:33 PM

Monday, July 07, 2003

I want my country back!


WASHINGTON – Howard Dean today became the first 2004 presidential candidate to be declared eligible by the Federal Election Commission to receive federal matching funds. Dean is seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2004.

So says the FEC in a short article released today.

Read it ::HERE::

posted at 9:40 PM

Dean speaks to the people

Mark Shields of CNN.COM has a wonderful piece on how Dean has ran a successful campaign. The article titled, Howard Dean's trick praises the governor for his online success and his ability to grab support from liberal Democrats. Have a look at the article ::HERE::

My take

It's a no brainer Dean has been the first presidential candidate to use the internet effectively. What is ironic about this is that not even George W Bush, the front runner in the election, has used the internet to his ability. Someone that is raking in the money pales in comparison. I do hope though that the Howard Dean campaign begins taking their wonderful net advantage to the streets. Time to get the support of the inner cities, where often the internet isn't readily available.
posted at 2:03 PM

SHOCKER Drudge lies!

Yesterday Drudge reported that if Dean were elected president he would oust DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe. The Dean camp acted fast and today posted that 'No one from the Dean Campaign leaked anything to Drudge'.

My take

It's obvious there is a lot of heat between Democrats and McAuliffe. I myself don't feel his leadership is strong enough for the DNC. But this is blatant garbage by Drudge and the other right-wing groups to tarnish Dean, and alienate him from the rest of the party. It's obvious they fear Dean and his grassroots uprising. The only way to combat that is to start spreading lies that hurt Dean's chances of getting elected.

But that's typical Drudge, not checking his facts before making a news flash.

posted at 1:08 AM

The Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party....
Welcome to my Dean Blog, an extention of my official blog. Of course Howard Dean is running for president and I support him!
posted at 12:48 AM
